Why use us?
Retirement Professionals Ltd are based in Greater Manchester. We are a specialist annuity intermediary offering our customers an annuity comparison service. Our hassle-free annuity service enables you to get the most out of your pension savings, which is of paramount importance when deciding which route to take at retirement. We research the whole of the UK annuity market to find if there are annuity rates higher than your current pension provider is offering. Our research includes providers who offer enhanced annuities. These can potentially offer you an even higher level of income based upon your lifestyle and medical history. Your retirement is our business!
Shopping Around
Shopping around for an annuity can increase your retirement income by as much as 30%. After deciding what level of income you need, you should shop around and compare rates.
This is called using the ‘open market option (OMO)’. This means you don’t have to take the pension offered to you by your provider, but can take your fund to another provider to get a higher rate.
Shopping around can increase your retirement income by up to 30%. Each year people throw way £1bn in pension income through not shopping around, so it’s important to read the advice on shopping around included in your wake-up pack.
What are Annuities?
An annuity is a financial product that allows you to convert your pension savings into a regular income that will last you for the rest of your life. There are a variety of annuities for you to choose from that are suited to you and your partner’s needs. You can only buy an annuity if you have a defined contribution workplace pension or a personal pension – defined benefit, or final salary, pensions pay you an income directly, so there’s no need to buy an annuity.